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Chromebook Care

  • Take good care of the Chromebook you are issued. You will use the same Chromebook for 4 years.
  • Carry the Chromebook with both hands.
  • Set the Chromebook on a flat surface to use it. An example of a flat surface is a desk or table.
  • Keep food and drinks away from the Chromebook. In other words, do not eat or drink while you are using the Chromebook. Instead, take a study break away from the Chromebook.
  • Never place a heavy object or a lot of objects on top of the Chromebook.
  • Keep the Chromebook clean.
  • Charge the Chromebook every night at home.
  • Closing the lid of the Chromebook will help save the battery.
  • You can use the Chromebook when the level is low. Just remember to charge when you get home.
  • When you plug in the Chromebook to charge it, look for the charging light indicator. This will assure you that the Chromebook is being charged.
  • Let the Chromebook completely charge to a full battery.
  • Charging a Chromebook could take up to 2 hours. Therefore, plug it in to charge and go do something else.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chromebook Summer Collection FAQ

In This Section

Repair and/or Replacement Costs
First Incident ANNUAL basis:

  • No fee for the first incident of accidental damage to device. Repair is made and a notification made to parents/guardian.
  • Full price of repair or replacement for an intentionally damaged device and a parent/guardian meeting with administrator required.
  • $150 for lost or stolen device and a parent/guardian meeting with principal required. Devices reported as stolen outside of school require an official police report to the school administration. If the fully functional device is later found or returned, this fee will be returned to the family.
  • Full price for lost or stolen AC adapter.

Second and subsequent incidents on an ANNUAL basis:

  • The student will be required to pay for the cost of the repair according to the fee chart. Parent/guardian meeting with administrator.
  • Full price of repair or replacement for an intentionally damaged device and a parent/guardian meeting with an administrator required.
  • Full price for lost or stolen device and a parent/guardian meeting with principal required. Devices reported as stolen outside of school require an official police report to the school administration. If the fully functional device is later found or returned, this fee will be returned to the family.
  • Full price for lost or stolen AC adapter.

Note: Accidental damage is determined at the time of the incident and within manufacturer’s parameters.