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New to our District

Harrisonville Schools is committed to academic excellence to inspire life-long learners and develop contributing citizens through a positive and safe environment.

Our district includes nearly 300 staff members and six facilities. Student enrollment is approximately 2,100 with 170 students per grade level.

  • Harrisonville Early Childhood Center serves children ages birth through kindergarten. The Parents As Teachers program is housed here and offers all district parents with children ages birth to five with services including home visits and screenings, family fun nights, and weekly playgroups. The ECC also offers free preschool to district families with a five half-day per week program for four-year-olds. Children who turn 5 by August 1 are enrolled in our full-day kindergarten program.
  • Harrisonville Elementary School is home to students in grades 1-3 and students in grades 4 and 5 attend McEowen Elementary School.
  • Harrisonville Middle School serves students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. Finally, Harrisonville High School is home to 9th-12th graders.
  • In addition, the Harrisonville School District is home to Cass Career Center, a career and technical school serving not only Harrisonville students, but students from 11 surrounding school districts. Cass Career Center offers 13 career and technical programs including health science, drafting, marketing, automotive technology, welding, agriculture, fire science/EMT, information systems technology,  teaching professions, and construction technology. The school also has post-secondary Practical Nursing program and a community education program.

Public School Choice

The Harrisonville School District has three buildings in Title I School Improvement, Harrisonville Early Childhood Center, Harrisonville Elementary and Harrisonville Middle School. We have single attendance centers (no other elementary and middle school with the same grade span); therefore, we cannot offer the School Choice option.