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Nutrition Services

Welcome to Nutrition Services

The Harrisonville Schools food service is provided by OPPA! - a contracted service provider. The OPAA District Manager, Joe Parkins, has an office at the district's Distribution Center, 1200 Eastwood Road.

Contact Information

Becky Fields
Food Service/Maintenance Secretary
380-4226, ext. 1021

Breakfast & Lunch Pricing

Breakfast for all students is $1.95. Lunch for students in grades K-5 is $2.90 and for students in grades 6-12, the lunch price is $3.15. We do want to note that getting a second meal or any ala carte items will be a charge to your student’s meal account even if they qualify for free or reduced priced meals.  The second breakfast price is $2.90 and the second lunch price is $4.00.

NOTE: Breakfast will not be served if the start of school is delayed due to inclement weather.

Click here for menus

We want to ensure all our students have the opportunity to enjoy breakfast and lunch at our schools. The National Free & Reduced Meal Program offers families the opportunity to apply and for children to receive meals at a reduced rate ($.30 for breakfast & $.40 for lunch) or for free. 

Online Payment

Parents can use Parent Portal to make online deposits into their child’s lunch account. The transaction will run through a secure payment system. Items to note about this service:

  • There is a transaction fee for each deposit. The district is not making money from the transaction.
  • Deposits are immediate and will appear in Parent Portal as soon as the transaction is complete. Therefore, if a parent forgets to send money with their child in the morning, they can go on-line and make the deposit before lunch to ensure he/she has money in the account.
  • Parents will receive an email receipt with each transaction.
  • Parents can make deposits in multiple children’s accounts at the same time.

Parents are still able to make deposits by sending money to school with their children.

Account Balance

We will continue to use our district’s automated communications system (phone calls, emails & texts) to notify parents for negative meal account balances. Students will not be able to purchase la carte items or receive a second lunch if they have a negative balance.

We want to remind our families that you can come to us at any time if you would like to talk about payment options. We have ways to help families without adding to the issue with an increasing negative meal account balance.

If you have questions about this service, please contact Becky Fields at 380-4226, ext. 1021 or

Free & Reduced Meals

Free or Reduced Price Meals Students from families whose income is at or below the level shown on the income guidelines below may be eligible for either free or reduced price meals. Reduced price meals are 40 cents per lunch or 30 cents per breakfast. All students are treated the same, regardless of ability to pay. In the operation of the school lunch programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin, age or handicap.

Am I Eligible?

Your children may qualify for free or reduced price meals if your household income falls at or below the limits on this chart:

Household Size  
  Annually Monthly Weekly
1  $27,8761  $2,322  $536
2 $37,814 $3,152 $728
3 $47,767 $3,981 $919
4 $57,720 $4,810 $1,110
5 $67673 $5,640 $1,302
6 $77,626 $6,469 $1,493
7 $87,579 $7,299 $1,685
8 $97,532 $8,123 $1,876
Each Additional Member $9,953 $830 $192


How to Apply?

Families may apply for the Free & Reduced Meal program at any time. The application is based on the family’s income over the past 30 days. If your child(ren) was part of the program last year, you will need to re-apply by September 21, 2024 to continue participation.

To apply for free or reduced price meals at any time, complete the application obtained from the school office and return it to the principal. You may also obtain an application at the District Food and Nutrition Services Office, 1200 Eastwood Road . If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you may choose to download and print out the form from a Web-connected computer.

Click here for 2024-25 Free & Reduced Meal Application

When you fill out the application, you are required to provide: 

  • Name of all household members 
  • Total monthly income received by each household member
  • Signature and social security number of an adult household member


Other Benefits

We want to encourage families to complete the National Free and Reduced Meal Program application as the benefits to the program extend beyond free or reduced price meals. These opportunities include…

  • Discounted Chromebook insurance for middle and high school students

  • Discounted fees for testing include the ACT, SAT, and AP exams

  • Scholarship assistance

  • Federal funding for all students based on district’s Free & Reduced (F/R) meal count

  • Discounts for some field trips based on school F/R percentage