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Health Services

MO HealthNet for Kids

Important Renewal Information


Student Health Fairs

The Student Health Fair that Harrisonville School District provides is at the beginning of each school year for the students in Kindergarten, 1st and 3 grades and dental only at the 5th grade level. Vision and Hearing screenings will be by teacher or self referral anytime during the year for all other grades. When the Health Fair is completed on the day assigned a screening form is sent home. The screening form includes: height, weight, vision, dental, hearing, and speech. Reminding all parents that the screenings done are only suggesting they may have an issue with one of the screenings listed above, this is not considered a comprehensive evaluation. Following the screening form you receive, may be a referral form.

If you have any questions regarding the forms please contact one of the Harrisonville School nurse's and they will assist you.

Student Health Form, K-3rd grade

Medication Administration Record

Student Health Form, 4th-12th grade

Contact Information

Linda Hipp
District/ECC Nurse
380-4421, ext. 2230

Jennifer Daniels
HES Nurse
380-4131, ext. 3230

Jace Hillbrant
McEowen Nurse
380-4545, ext. 4230

Micaelee Foland
HMS Nurse
380-7654, ext. 5230

Susy McLain
HHS Nurse
380-3273, ext. 6230