Missouri Department of Social Services/Division of Family Services
2500 E. Mechanic 816-380-3597
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Hope Haven of Cass County
A shelter for abused and battered women & their children.
Support and outreach groups available.
(816) 380-2833
24-Hr Crisis Line: (8160 380-4663 http://hopehavenofcasscounty.org
On Facebook - Hope Haven of Cass County
West Central Community Action Agency
Coordinates and administers available resources to better the economic, physical, mental, and social well-being of all people, especially the disadvantaged
Harrisonville Ministerial Alliance
Offers assist to those in the Harrisonville School District; Thrift Store provides clothing
1405 S. Commercial
(816) 380-3505
Shepherd's Staff Food Pantry
Offers food to families in need 1311 Sanders Street
(816) 884-3043
Bright Futures Harrisonville
A community-based initiative offering assistance to children in the Harrisonville School District.
Food, clothing, hygiene, medical, mentoring.
(816) 380-2727, ext. 1224
On Facebook - Bright Futures Harrisonville