Bright Futures
Bright Futures Harrisonville strives to help students achieve success by matching student needs with resources through partnerships between the schools and the community. Partners are asked to share their "time, talent, and treasure" to help children. Those partnership areas include:
- Businesses
- Faith-based
- Parents and volunteers
- Social/human services
The Bright Futures initiative goals are to have students become productive and self-sustaining citizens, loving parents, responsible neighbors, and outstanding employees by:
- Building relationships
- Providing for individual needs
- Ensuring every child has the tools they need to be successful students
Through its organizational structure, Bright Futures provides a framework for expanding current programs such as the “Food 4 Thought” backpack program, “Stuff the Bus” school supply drive, and “Station 42”, as well as initiating new programs to support students.
Bright Futures strives to meet individual student's basic needs using Facebook as a rapid response system. The goal is to meet any student's need within 24 hours.
Follow us on Facebook
- 4U2 Wear - Ongoing
- Adopt-A-Wildcat - Summer
- Back-to-School Fair - August
- Blue Barrels - ongoing
- Blue Light Special - Ongoing
- Bright Futures Library - Ongoing
- Classroom Partner Program - Ongoing
- Clearing the Path (CTP) Scholarships - NEW January 2022
- Food 4 Thought Backpack Program - Ongoing
- High Five Friday/#My42 Greeters - Ongoing
- Holiday Adopt-A-Family - November-December
- Hygiene Supply Areas - Ongoing
- Just4Me Summer Food Program - Summer
- Katie Rios Instrument Closet - Ongoing
- McEowen Lunch Buddy Program
- Prom Assistance - March
- Snack Pantries - Ongoing
- Station 42 - Ongoing
- Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive - June-August
- Work 4 What You Want - Ongoing
- Youth Sports Equipment Closet - Ongoing
4U2 Wear - Ongoing
This program's intent is to help HHS students dress smartly for school. 4U2 Wear is a personalized clothing and accessory service for Harrisonville High School students, grades 9 - 12. 4U2 Wear is tailored to the student’s individual tastes, needs and lifestyle. Personal shoppers will be matched anonymously with a student, then select and deliver clothing to school for your student each month. For more information, contact Robbin Garrett -
Adopt-A-Wildcat - Summer
Back-to-School Fair - August
Families can sign up to receive back-to-school assistance - school supplies, clothing, shoes, hygiene items, haircuts - at the Bright Futures Back-to-School Fair which is held in August. Families receive applications for the fair prior to the end of the school year. Volunteers are needed prior to the fair to organize and stuff school supply backpacks and prepare Station 42 and volunteers are needed the day of the event as well.
If you’re a family in need, contact Kelly Melzer,
Blue Barrels - ongoing
Our blue barrels are located throughout the community and the items collected in those barrels changes each month. Barrels are located at Cass County Public Library, Commerce Bank, Community Bank of Harrisonville, Cornerstone Community Church, Chamber of Commerce, Community Center, Crossroads Assembly, Heartland Baptist, Family Center, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Nazarene Church, United Methodist Church, Schroeder Chiropractic, Quality Auto Service, Brick House Coffee, Hawthorn Bank, The Vault, all district schools & the school district admin office. The collection schedule is as follows:
- September - Socks & Underwear
- October - Non-perishable food & paper products (for Shepherd’s Staff Food Pantry)
- November – Feminine Hygiene products; Pajamas
- January - Classroom Snacks
- February - Notes of Encouragement for students & staff (as part of Kindness Month)
- March – Summer 1st Aid (Sunscreen, bandages and bug spray)
- April - Toothbrushes/Toothpaste (toothbrushes for Cass County Dental Clinic)
- May - Deodorant, Shampoo, Soap for back-to-school hygiene kits
- June/July/August - School Supplies
**Subject to change based on needs
Blue Light Special - Ongoing
Uniformed first responder to enjoy breakfast or lunch at any of our schools any time. The Blue Light Special program helps us achieve one of our goals - bringing positive adult role models into our children’s lives. By interacting with you, our children see that there are many people in our community who care for them and want them to succeed beyond their parents and teachers. Breakfast runs from 7:10-8:50 a.m. and lunch runs from 10:20-1:00 p.m. any day, you can come and enjoy a meal with our children! We do ask that you be in uniform, but no RSVP is necessary. Once you arrive at the school, please check into the school’s main office and they will direct you to the cafeteria.
Bright Futures Library - Ongoing
The Bright Futures Library is located in the basement of the Rockford One-Room Schoolhouse at McEowen Elementary School. Staff who know of students in need of reading material at home can submit a request form for books to the #My42 Kids Club at McEowen. The Kids Club members will fulfill the order and send the books to the staff member to give to the student. The library is also available for staff to select books for their classroom libraries.
Classroom Partner Program - Ongoing
Businesses, groups, organizations “adopt” a classroom to build relationships between community members and students to provide examples of positive role models outside the school setting. Min. 60 minutes per month in the classroom/with students. Partner & teacher plan visits to fit needs. Contact Jill Filer, 380-2727, ext. 1224 or
Clearing the Path (CTP) Scholarships - NEW January 2022
CTP scholarships are available to high school students hoping to enroll in dual credit classes. This program supports students for whom financial need could be a barrier to their ability to take college credit courses while in high school. This program involves an application process - students can get an application from the HHS Student Services office. CTP scholarships could be for full or partial payment of class fees.
Food 4 Thought Backpack Program - Ongoing
The Food 4 Thought Backpack Program provides boxes of child-friendly food for students each month to sustain them for the weekends when school is not in session. The food is purchased in bulk based on donations from individuals, churches, organizations, businesses, etc. Twice a month, a group of 6-10 volunteers preps & packs the food boxes for distribution. To schedule a group to help with backpacking, contact Paige Welhoff at 380-2727, ext. 1221 or
High Five Friday/#My42 Greeters - Ongoing
Positive adult role models greeting elementary students once a month as they come to school. Usually a group/organization with greeters wearing uniform/shirts that readily identify them/their group. For more information, contact Aidan Walton,
Holiday Adopt-A-Family - November-December
Families in need can sign up for "adoption" for the holidays. Families provide Bright Futures with their children's clothing sizes and wish list. Bright Futures seeks individuals, families, groups, churches, etc to adopt the families and provide gifts. Care is taken to ensure social services agencies in the area do not duplicate efforts. Sign up for adopting a family begins in October. For more information, contact Kelly Melzer,
Hygiene Supply Areas - Ongoing
Just4Me Summer Food Program - Summer
The Just4Me summer food program provides children in need with food over the summer months. During the school year, these students can participate in our Food 4 Thought program which provides a box full of weekend food each month. However, once school ends, the Food 4 Though program also ends. The Just4Me program provides three months worth of breakfast & lunch food and is funded entirely through community donations. Individuals, civic organizations, churches, and businesses donate money. A community volunteer coordinates the entire program from fundraising, to purchasing the food, to managing volunteers to pack the food boxes and make the deliveries. For more information, visit the Harrisonville Just4Me Facebook page.
Katie Rios Instrument Closet - Ongoing
Instruments donated to the Katie Rios Instrument Closet ensure all students who want to participate in band have that opportunity. The closet was established in memory of Katie Rios. Donations may be dropped off at Harrisonville Middle School, 601 S. Highland Drive or the District Administrative Office, 503 S. Lexington.
McEowen Lunch Buddy Program
McEowen Elementary's Lunch Buddy program provides a positive adult role model to students in 4th & 5th grade. Twice a month, Lunch Buddies will spend 45 minutes with their student eating lunch, playing games, and talking. Applications are available at McEowen Elementary School. Lunch Buddies will be asked to submit to a background check - the fee is covered by Bright Futures. They will also participate in a one-two hour training session prior to their first meeting. For more information, contact Jill Filer -
Prom Assistance - March
Snack Pantries - Ongoing
Each school in the district has a snack pantry. The snacks are given to students who might have missed breakfast or just need a little something to get them through the day. Snack donations can include granola bars, cheese/peanut butter & crackers, cereal bars, fruit snacks, etc. Donations can be dropped off at any school.
Station 42 - Ongoing
Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive - June-August
Work 4 What You Want - Ongoing
This program was established to help high school students who cannot afford some of the expenses associated with activity participation. We are seeking businesses/organizations who would be willing to have a student "work" and then donate $12/hour directly to the activity the student is involved in to cover his/her expenses. For example, a student who owes $50 for activity expenses could work 4.5 hours helping a local business/organization and get his/her debt taken care of. The work could include cleaning, filing, etc. If you would be willing to be on our list of business/organization participants in this program, please email Lacey Domnick - Families in need of assistance through this program should contact their student’s coach/sponsor.
Youth Sports Equipment Closet - Ongoing
#My42 is a commitment to give "42" each month to Bright Futures Harrisonville. It can be 42 minutes, items, dollars, etc. Just make the pledge and give 4 our Children, 2 ensure Bright Futures.
At its 2014-15 kick-off breakfast, Bright Futures Harrisonville launched its #My42 campaign. #My42 is a commitment to give "42" each month to Bright Futures Harrisonville. It can be 42 minutes, items, dollars, etc. It is based off the slogan “4 Our Children, 2 Ensure Bright Futures.” It’s also centered on this statistic from the 2000 Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, “People who volunteer are 42% more likely to say they are very happy than those who don’t volunteer.” The campaign is on-going and we encourage everyone to give their #My42 each month.
We have shirts with the #My42 logo on the back. If you'd like to order a shirt, contact Jill Filer at 380-2727, ext. 1224. The shirts are $10/each.
In March 2016, Bright Futures Harrisonville received the Spotlight Award from Bright Futures USA for its #My42 campaign.
42 Ideas to Help You Give 42
- Donate 42 minutes to help in Station 42 (sorting, laundering, folding clothes). Contact Kelly Melzer, to schedule a time.
- Go to a school and have lunch with a student twice this month (lunch shifts are approx. 20 minutes)
- Buy 42 pencils to donate to our school supply section at Station 42.
- Drop off donations at 503 S. Lexington.
- Give $42 to Bright Futures to help support our many programs. Make checks payable to Bright Futures & mail to 503 S. Lexington, Harrisonville, MO 64701. If designating to a specific program, please include the program in the memo line.
- Join a building-level Bright Futures Council (meetings are once a month for about an hour).
- Organize a group to help pack backpacks for the Food 4 Thought weekend backpack program. Contact Jill Filer - or 380-2727, ext. 1224.
- Visit a school 1-2 mornings to greet students as they come to school.
- Volunteer to serve dinner at an HES Family event. Call 380-2727, ext. 1224.
- Be an “adopted” grandparent for a Grandparents Day event at ECC. Call 380-2727, ext. 1224.
- Read with a child during one of the monthly Breakfast with Books events at ECC and/or arrange for your business or group to cover one of the dates. Call 380-2727, ext. 1224.
- Donate 42 pairs of underwear to the Station 42. Drop off donations at 503 S. Lexington.
- Purchase 42 cans of soup, jello or pudding containers, rice krispie treats or fruit cups for the backpack program. Donations for this program can be dropped off at the Admin Office, 503 S. Lexington.
- Spend 42 minutes cleaning off your bookshelves to donate children’s books for our summer reading program.
- Donate 42 stocking hats or pairs of gloves for our Winter Apparel Drive.
- Volunteer 42 minutes at an elementary school picture day to ensure our children look the best for their school pictures. Call 380-2727, ext. 1224.
- When shopping, look for buy one, get one free or great sales and stock up on items that Bright Futures could use.
- Clean out your child(ren)’s gently used sports gear (shoes, baseball gloves, balls, football pants, etc.) and donate it to our Youth Sports Equipment Closet. Sports gear donations can be dropped off at the Bright Futures Blue Barrel at the Harrisonville Community Center.
- Get into your attic or basement and find that musical instrument to donate to the Katie Rios Instrument Closet
- Spend 42 minutes shopping for gifts for a family through our Holiday Adopt-a-Family program.
- Invite 42 friends to “like” our Bright Futures Facebook page - and/or join our Bright Futures Harrisonville Engagement Network group on Facebook.
- Volunteer to help serve “treats” to McEowen students who meet their AR goal each month.
- Donate 42 snack items to HES or McEowen to use in their snack pantry for students who can’t afford to bring daily snacks.
- Volunteer at a school health fair.
- Donate $42 to the Food 4 Thought Backpack program or the Just 4 Me summer food program to help provide weekend/summer food for those in need. Make checks payable to Bright Futures & mail to 503 S. Lexington, Harrisonville, MO 64701. Please put Food 4 Thought or Just 4 Me in the memo line.
- Donate 42 toothbrushes, tubes of toothpaste, boxes of Kleenex, combs, hair brushes, shampoo, soap, etc. for our hygiene packs that we send home in our weekend backpacks once each quarter.
- Volunteer 42 minutes to speak to classes about career opportunities.
- Donate 42 pairs of socks to the Station 42. Drop off donations at 503 S. Lexington.
- Encourage 42 friends to participate in one of our monthly Blue Barrel collections - send emails, texts, Facebook messages, etc. Bright Futures blue barrels are located at Commerce Bank, the Harrisonville Community Center, the Harrisonville United Methodist Church, Hawthorn Bank, the Cass County Public Library (Harrisonville Branch), the Harrisonville Schools district administrative office, Sherwood Community Bank, the Harrisonville Church of the Nazarene, Cornerstone Community Church, First Christian Church Harrisonville, MO, Community Bank of Harrisonville, Heartland Baptist Church, and all schools.
- Write 42 cards of encouragement for school counselors to share with students throughout the year.
- Spend 42 minutes using sidewalk chalk on the front sidewalk of a school building to welcome students, teachers and administrators to school.
- Partner with other parents & community members and get 42 students to give back through a volunteer effort with a local charity or civic organization.
- Share 42 articles, throughout the school year on the importance of volunteer work and/or providing education on children in poverty via your social media outlets.
- Tell 42 people about being a Bright Futures community (share with those who may not live here to help expand the Bright Futures network). Additional information on becoming a Bright Futures community is available at Use #My42 on social media to share with others how you are supporting Bright Futures.
- If you’re an employer, give your employees 42 minutes/month as time off to volunteer.
- Spend 42 minutes this month praying for our teachers & students.
- Provide two packages of birthday-type treats (24 per package) for children to share with classmates if they’re unable to bring treats from home.
- Spend 42 minutes talking to a middle or high school student about your career field.
- Spend 42 minutes talking to a high school student about applying to colleges and/or applying for financial aid.
- Invite a high school student to job shadow you for 42 minutes.
- Spend 42 minutes helping at the community garden.
Advisory Board
Lacey Domnick, Chair
Vanessa Hargrave, Chair-Elect
Daniel Barnett, Secretary
Stephanie Cunningham, Treasurer
Karen Allen
Sgt. Andy Bell
Sandy Bradshaw
John Coffey
Sarah Czech
Shelley Jansen
Marcia Milner
Doug Meyer
Liz Morse
Meagan Phillips
Meggan Rorvig
Martha Schroeder
Deb Welhoff
Paige Welhoff
Joe Parkhurst, School District Representative
Jill Filer, Coordinator
Kelly Melzer, Coordinator
In This Section
Get Involved
Bright Futures Councils at each school should include representatives from each of the partnership areas and will meet regularly with school personnel to assess and develop plans to meet the needs of the school and its students.
To get involved or for more information, email us or call 816.380.2727, ext. 1224.