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Staff Awards & Honors

Kudos to Cats

The Kudos to Cats program is a way for you to express gratitude to any Harrisonville Schools employee who goes above and beyond what is expected at any time. Whether you're a parent impressed with that special touch your child's teacher added to a moment, a coworker who thinks their colleague doesn't hear often enough about the great job they are doing, or a community member who witnesses a staff member’s commitment to kids - you can send a Kudo! Anyone can nominate any Harrisonville Schools employee.

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Educator of the Year

Each year, the Harrisonville Public School Foundation honors the Educator of the Year. The Educator of the Year receives a $500 grant from the Foundation and is eligible for the Missouri Teacher of the Year program. Nominations for the award can be submitted by parents, students, community members, and colleagues. Nominees must have worked in the school district for at least one year. Once the nomination deadline has passed, a Foundation committee selects finalists. Those finalist are interviewed by a panel of judges from outside the school district. The winner is named in April and honored during the district's End-of-the-Year Celebration.  


Support Staff Employee of the Year

The Support Staff Employee of the Year is designed to show the district’s appreciation for its support staff employees. Any non-certified employee in the district can be nominated for this award. This includes secretaries, paraprofessionals, nurses, custodians, food service & bus drivers, etc. The winner will receive a cash award of $100 sponsored by Sherwood Community Bank.

Nominations for the award can be submitted by parents, students, community members, and colleagues. Nominees must have worked in the school district for at least one year. Once the nomination deadline has passed, a district committee selects finalists. Those finalists are interviewed by a panel of judge from outside the school district. The winner is named in April and honored during the district's End-of-the-Year Celebration.

Nominate Here

Rising Star Award

The Rising Star Award is designed to honor a certified staff member (non-administrative) who is new to the field of education (5 or fewer years of teaching/school experience) and has already demonstrated the ability to have a positive impact on students. The nominee must be returning to Harrisonville Schools for the next school year.

Nominations for the award can be submitted by parents, students, community members, and colleagues. Once the nomination deadline has passed, a district committee selects finalists. Those finalists are interviewed by a panel of judges from outside the school district. The winner is named in April and honored during the district's End-of-the-Year Celebration.

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