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School Board

Board of Education

Board of Education

The Harrisonville Cass R-IX Board of Education is composed of seven members. The Board develops policies for the district and manages tax dollars. The members are elected to serve three-year terms. All regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be held at the Board of Education Room located at 503 S. Lexington unless otherwise specified. The regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. with the exceptions of March, June and August when the meetings will be held on the last Tuesday of those months. For more information about the Harrisonville Cass R-IX Board of Education, contact School Board Secretary Susan Brooker at (816) 380-2727, ext. 1222 or via e-mail at . Mail should be sent to Harrisonville Cass R-IX Board of Education, 503 S. Lexington, Harrisonville, MO 64701.  

In This Section

Contact Us

To contact any board member, please contact Board Secretary Susan Brooker
(816) 380-2727 ext. 1222

Meet the Board

District and School Board Postings

Below are dates and time of district meetings, including school board meetings, TEAM Harrisonville meetings, Governmental Agencies meetings, and calendar committee meetings. All school board meetings are held in the Board of Education room located at 503 S. Lexington, Harrisonville, MO unless otherwise noted.  

If you have any questions regarding these meetings, please contact school board secretary Susan Brooker at

Board Agendas

The agendas for all board meetings are posted on the Friday before the meeting. All agendas and meetings summaries are available on-line. Follow the link below.

Board Meeting Agenda & Summary

Board Policies

Meeting Videos

 Harrisonville School District Board of Education meetings will be available a few days after the meeting. They are available on the district YouTube channel. 

Meeting Videos

Audience Delegations

The regular monthly meeting of the Harrisonville Cass R-IX Board of Education is a meeting in which the individual members of the Board of Education and the Superintendent are regular participants in an open public meeting. Other individuals, most frequently administrators and employees of the District, may be scheduled to make presentations as indicated on the agenda.

To provide for full and open communication between the public and the Board of Education, the Board authorizes the following avenues for the exchange of information, ideas and opinions.

Written correspondence may be directed to the Board, through the superintendent, for consideration at a meeting. Statements of two pages or less are encouraged.

Any member of the public who wishes to have an item placed on the agenda will present the request in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. The request must be submitted pursuant to Board policy and received five (5) business days prior to the scheduled meeting.

From time to time, the Board will schedule a public hearing to receive input on matters of concern to the community, such as settling the district's tax rate. The public will be provided notice of such hearings as required by law.

A specifically designated time will be set aside for public comments at regular meetings of the Board of Education. The following rules will be applied to the public comment portion of the meeting:

  • The Board will establish a time limit for the public comment period.
  • No individual will be permitted to speak more than once during this period.
  • The Board will establish a uniform time limit for each speaker.
  • Only items from the posted agenda may be discussed.

The school district policy provides that any concern should initially be addressed to the appropriate action level before coming to the Board of Education. As individuals and as a Board, we are interested in the issues and concerns of the patrons of our school district. We appreciate your interest in the education of our students.

Candidate Filing Information

For the April 8, 2025 Election:

The Harrisonville Cass R-IX School District will accept Declarations of Candidacy for any qualified person interested in running for a position on the School Board in the April 8, 2025 election. Persons interested may file with the Secretary to the Board of Education at the school district's offices located at 503 S. Lexington, Harrisonville, Missouri 64701.

Link to board policy G-235-P - Board Member Elections

The election of school board members is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of April on Municipal Election Day, which will be April 8, 2025. Qualified applicants for the board may file for office during regular business hours in the school district's offices beginning the 17th Tuesday prior to the election until the 14th Tuesday prior to the election. For the upcoming election, school board candidate filing will begin Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.  Filing will end on December 31, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.  In between, candidates may file by appointment.  To schedule an appointment, please contact Board Secretary Susan Brooker at 816-380-2727 ext. 1222 or  

Except for the first and last day of filing, filing will not occur on days when the school district administration office is closed due to inclement weather or other health-related reasons.  Filing will also not occur from December 21st through December 30th when the school district's offices are closed. On the last day of filing, December 31st, the district administration office will be open from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. for candidate filing.  Candidate filing will close at 5:00 p.m. on December 31st.  

Offices to be filled are two (2) three-year positions. Board members whose terms expire in 2025 are Emily Stone and Jenny Wagoner.