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Advanced Degree Teacher Initiative

The Advanced Degree Teacher Initiative Program provides partial reimbursement to teachers seeking a master's degree or higher in a non-administrative field. Staff who are seeking teacher certification, a teaching degree, or an advanced degree in their area of concentration can also apply. Following each semester - summer, fall, and spring - staff may apply to receive partial reimbursement for up to six hours of courses.


  • Any staff seeking an advanced degree (non-admin), teaching degree or teacher certification may apply for this initiative.
  • Application for reimbursement should be made upon completion of semester coursework for the most recent semester only.
  • Applicants can only reimbursed for courses taken while under contract with the district (new teachers cannot apply for courses taken in the summer before they begin employment).
  • Applicants will not be reimbursed for past coursework.
  • Applicants must be seeking an advanced degree in a non-administrative area and earn a “C” or better in the course.

The Foundation will grant $50 per credit hour up to six hours per semester.

Click here for online application 

The program began in the fall of 2008.